About Us

Mansi Bhagdeo

Mansi Bhagdeo is the Co-Creator of Quanto Life, a unique spiritual path for accelerated human evolution in current chaotic times.

The joy of Mansi’s life is in discovering and nurturing the heroic potential in kids and adults alike. As a guide on their heroes’ journeys, Mansi heart holds them in uncovering and dissolution of their hidden subconscious patterns and conditionings through her powerful channeling, Astrology, Tarot and Mythology and then integrating them in a cohesive community.
She has a gift of diving deep into the vibrational fields of mythology, drawing their essence and making them relevant in contemporary times.

Quanto Shivo

Quanto Shivo is a miraculous healer. He is a divine channel, through which the blessings of gods and goddesses descend to heal. He has been most effective with variety of psychological disorders like Schizophrenia, depression, insomnia, phobias, addictions etc. He also has the miraculous powers to impart freedom from negative entities. Deva healing helps to transform all negative situations from every dimension of life including money, relationship, career, health and more.

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